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15 Scouts from Tavira fly 11,000 km to world camp

15 Scouts from Tavira fly 11,000 km to world camp

For the second time, Tavira’s Group 100 will participate in the 25th World Scouts Jamboree, this year organized by the South Korean Scouts, in Saemangeum, South Korea, between August 1 and 12, hosting about 50,000 scouts from around the world.

The World Camp came about as a project of the Founder of Scouting, Baden-Powell, after the First World War. It was conceived as a camp to foster friendship and scouting skills, where young people from all over the world could live together for 12 days. In 1920, the first World Jamboree was held in London, 103 years later the 25th Jamboree will take place in South Korea next month.

In 2019, Group 100 of Tavira participated in the 24th world camp that took place in the USA, with a contingent of 20 elements, for 20 days.

This time, the preparation for the world camp in 2023, began on October 17, 2021, when this group met for the first time to begin to outline what would be their participation in this remarkable activity for any scout, starting the planning of fundraising to provide everyone with the possibility to participate in the world event, giving the opportunity for any element to participate regardless of their financial condition.

For Agrupamento 100 de Tavira, this participation was also possible thanks to the support of the Municipality, the Unions of Parishes of Tavira and the Union of Parishes of Conceição and Cabanas, as well as several entities, companies and individuals, who supported the cause.

For the 25th world camp, the grouping has enrolled a contingent consisting of 15 elements, 8 participants from 14 to 18 years old, the age for which this activity is designed. These 8 participants will take part in dozens of unique activities and experiences, which they only have the opportunity to participate in once in their lifetime, since in the next edition they will all be over 18 and can no longer participate.

The contingent of Group 100 of Tavira also has 6 IST (International Staff Team), young people over the age of 18 who will ensure the correct functioning of areas such as safety, health, activities, among others. Group 100 of Tavira is the only group of the National Scout Corps in the Algarve region to participate in this world camp and the only one in the region to take a contingent for the second time.

In this edition, the Portuguese contingent is made up of more 800 scouts who will represent Portugal through the Scout Federation of Portugal, a federation that unites the two scout associations in Portugal before the World Organization of the Scout Movement, the National Scout Corps and the Association of Scouts of Portugal (AEP). This will be the largest contingent that Portugal has ever taken to a world camp.

On July 30, the young people from Tavira set off on this adventure, flying more than 11,000 km to Saemangeum. Even before returning home and taking advantage of the stopover of the return plane, they will spend a day getting to know Dubai.

Group 100 of Tavira was affiliated on January 8, 1963 in the parish of Santiago. With an active presence in the city of Tavira, it has a staff of more than 70 scouts.

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