The most common complaints relate to dogs barking on dirty and smelly balconies, patios or terraces and animals being trapped without food and water.
More than 10,000 reports of abandonment and mistreatment of animals have been registered since 2019. These figures also include all occurrences related to animal welfare and suspicious situations that subsequently involve a PSP inspection and investigation.
Reporting abandoned animals is not the sole responsibility of the PSP. Many citizens are making reports through the “Animal Defense Line”.
Between 2019 and 2022 the number of reports per year increased to 2,924. In the first quarter of this year, 651 complaints have already been registered.
The most common complaints relate to dogs barking on dirty and smelly balconies, patios or terraces and animals being trapped without food and water.
But also off-leash dog walking, aggression of some animals and animals that are violently beaten by their owners as a way to educate them.
Figures ‘far from target’
Since 2019 (except for 2020/2021, due to the covid-19 pandemic) the figures indicate a “sharp decrease in crimes of mistreatment and abandonment of pets” but, according to PSP, “they are very far from what is the goal of PSP and the Animal Defense Program”.
The animal welfare figures were released in connection with the 8th anniversary of the Animal Advocacy Program, which is being marked this Saturday.
The program was created in 2015, in partnership with the Lisbon City Council. The police officers involved pay special attention to the issue of animal protection, especially the abandonment and mistreatment of animals.
In a statement, the PSP calls on citizens to respect animal rights and to report situations that constitute mistreatment or abandonment.
How to make a complaint:
In police stations
through the e-mail of the Animal Defense Program – de*********@ps*.pt
Through the Animal Defense Line – 217 654 242
“Say NO to animal abandonment”
The PSP Lisbon Metropolitan Command launched this week the campaign “Say NO to animal abandonment” aimed at pets and at a time of vacation, a period when this crime has a significant increase.
The campaign aims to alert the whole community to the problem of abandonment, to raise awareness of the care of pets.
In a note, the PSP recalls the alternatives that can be resorted to in vacation time: ask a family member, friend or trusted neighbor who can take care of the animal, resort to a hotel for dogs and cats, ‘Pet Sitting’ at home and animal shelters.
The PSP recalls that animal abandonment is a crime, punishable by a fine of up to 60 days or imprisonment of up to six months.
Mistreatment and abandonment is a crime
In August 2014, it was approved in the Assembly of the Republicthe criminalization of ill-treatment and abandonment of companion animals was approved.
O Article 387 Article 387 of the Penal Code states that “whoever, without legitimate reason, kills a pet animal” or “inflicts pain, suffering or any other physical ill-treatment on a pet animal” is punishable by a prison sentence of up to two years. Article Article 388 describes the crime of abandonment of pets and punishes it with “imprisonment of up to six months or a fine of up to 60 days”.