The Navegante public transport pass will be free from yesterday for all students up to the age of 23, a measure included in the State Budget for 2024.
The Navegante metropolitan pass allows travel throughout the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (AML) and its free use for students up to the age of 23 was included by the Socialist government in this year’s State Budget.
Lisbon City Council has already made it possible for young students living in the capital to use the municipal Navegante free of charge.
According to Transportes Metropolitanos de Lisboa, current holders of the Navegante 4_18 or under-23 pass will still have to top up their monthly pass, as was the case until now, “but this time without the cost to users”.
“This charging is already available [since December 26] throughout the existing network of transport operators in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and the Navegante Payshop network,” according to a statement from the carrier.
TML, created in 2019, had already announced that the Navegante passes – which can be used by all public service companies providing regular passenger transport in the 18 municipalities of the AML – would remain the same price in 2024: 30 euros for the municipal Navegante (journeys within a single municipality) and 40 euros for the metropolitan Navegante (within the 18 municipalities of the AML).
The discounts on the Navegante family and +65 tickets also remain in force, while the Navegante 12 ticket remains free.
By decision of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, the occasional fares valid for Carris Metropolitana (road service) will also remain unchanged in 2024, maintaining the value that was in force when they were launched in June 2022.