The Prime Minister pledged today to present an emergency health program by 02 June and to announce a dialogue with all parties with parliamentary seats for “an ambitious agenda” to fight corruption.
In his inauguration speech, Luís Montenegro promised that, in the area of health, the government will “implement a structural reform that strengthens and preserves the SNS as the basis of the system, but that takes advantage of the capacity installed in the social and private sectors, without useless ideological complexes and with a single concern: the citizen”
“As we promised, we will draw up an Emergency Program that will be made public before June 2,” he said.
In the area of corruption, he announced that he would propose to all parties with a parliamentary seat that they open a dialogue with a view to setting an ambitious, effective and consensual agenda to fight corruption.
“The aim is to have a summary of proposals, measures and initiatives within two months that can be agreed and consensualized, once their consistency, credibility and feasibility have been duly tested,” he said, arguing that “no one has a monopoly on the best solutions”.
From then on, he added, the executive will focus on approving the respective laws, “either at the proposal of the government or at the initiative of parliament”.
“The Minister of Justice will do the talking on the government’s side, taking the initiative, immediately after the parliamentary investiture, to contact the various parties and start this process of dialog. We expect openness and willingness from everyone, in the name of a strong will to seek consensus in a crucial area,” he said
The Prime Minister stressed that, on the 50th anniversary of April 25, “this consensus effort will be a good way to celebrate democracy”.
Montenegro argues that those who make program possible should allow executive until end of mandate