The amount of stored water fell in June in all river basins compared to the last day of the previous month, according to data from the National Water Resources Information System (SNIRH).
The Western Algarve basin continues to have the least amount of reserve water, dropping from 22.3% in May to 20.8% in June.
The Mira basin also had less water available at the end of June, with 40.5% (41.4% in May) and the Arade 40.8% (42.7% in May).
The amount of water also fell in the Lima basin, from 76.1% to 53.5%, and the Sado basin, from 72.3% to 66.7%.
On the last day of June, the Mondego (91.3%), Guadiana (87.4%), Cávado (87%), Oeste (85.7%), Douro (80%) and Tejo (77.9%) basins had the most water.
According to the SNIRH data, of the 58 reservoirs monitored, 28 had water availability of more than 80% of their total volume and another six less than 40%.
Storage in June 2024 by river basin is higher than the average storage in June (1990/91 to 2022/23), except for the Lima, Mira, Ribeiras do Algarve and Arade basins.
Each river basin can have more than one reservoir.
According to the Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), almost half of mainland Portugal was in a weak or moderate meteorological drought at the end of May, with a greater focus on the southern region.