Studying in higher education costs an average of 903.90 euros per month for each student, with the “cost of living” being the main contributor to student expenses. This conclusion comes from a study by Iscte, part of the European Project Eurostudent VIII, released on Tuesday and reported by the newspaper Público.
According to the data released, students spend the most on housing, food, and transportation. However, other areas such as health, childcare, debt payments, leisure activities, and other common expenses are also included in the calculations. In total, students spend an average of 762 euros per month on living costs.
The report also reveals that a student’s age and whether they work or not influence the amount spent monthly. Older students with more work hours spend the most per month: 1,269 euros.
On the other hand, scholarship students are reported to spend the least, with an average of about 518 euros per month.
Where do students spend the most?
Similar to the national panorama, students spend the most on housing. Accommodation accounts for 33.5% of monthly expenses. The study highlights that although there are “very diverse situations,” on average, each student spends 300 euros per month on accommodation alone.
For students who have moved away from home, this amount increases to 363 euros.
The study conducted by Iscte, within the framework of the European Project Eurostudent VIII, is the result of an online survey of more than ten thousand students.
900€/month? There are students with “more than one job to be able to pay”