During his stand-up show, “Selective Outrage,” Chris Rock discusses the incident with his daughter, 20-year-old Lola Simone, which did not leave him unaffected.
Humor and good humor have always been part of Chris Rock’s approach on stage and on television. But outside of work, it’s a different story. The comedian and actor is the father of two young girls, Lola Simone and Zahra Savannah. He recently revealed that he had to ask the principal of his eldest daughter’s school to expel her after a study trip to Portugal. A seemingly dramatic stance for some parents, but with a valid explanation.
Já viram o especial do Chris Rock para a Netflix ?
Uma das partes é sobre a sua filha e quando esteve em Portugal. pic.twitter.com/UiwBYtW7ky— Antonio Cunha (@AntonioCunha79) March 9, 2023
During his stand-up show “Selective Outrage”, Chris Rock discusses the incident with his daughter, 20-year-old Lola Simone, which did not leave him unaffected.
The comedian stressed that his daughters are privileged and that he has had to make extreme choices to get them to adopt different attitudes.
In Portugal, Lola and four of her friends decided that they were “bored” during an outing in their last year of high school, Chris Rock explains, so they “broke away from the group to go drinking and, of course, got caught”.
In light of this, the parents of the students who were caught were able to quickly arrange for lawyers to prevent them from being expelled from school.
Of course, the “rich ‘white’ parents don’t let their kids get kicked out of school. So these “white” parents got lawyers. Even those who are lawyers, they got lawyers.”
At the time, Chris Rock said he didn’t want to hire a lawyer, but the possibility was discussed with his ex-wife, Malaack Compton-Rock, who wanted to sue the teachers for “losing sight” of their daughter.
With that in mind, Chris Rock went to his daughter Lola, who he said did not see the seriousness of the situation, and told her, “Daddy, stop it. You’re so serious, I’ll be back in school in no time.”
Faced with his daughter’s reaction, Chris Rock got in his car and drove to the school with an unusual request for the principal.
“I need you to get my daughter out of this school. I need my black daughter to learn her lesson now before she shows up on OnlyFans and some ****.”
The request was granted and the school eventually expelled Chris Rock’s eldest daughter.
Despite the expulsion, Chris Rock revealed that his daughter has learned her lesson and is now taking a cooking class, according to the Independent.