According to the Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), several municipalities across all districts of mainland Portugal are facing very high and high fire danger levels.
The weather forecast for today in the mainland predicts generally very cloudy skies, periods of rain or showers in the northern region, a decrease in temperature, especially the maximum temperature, and a reduction in wind intensity along the western coast.
Minimum temperatures will range between 7 degrees Celsius (in Bragança) and 17 (in Faro), while maximum temperatures will vary between 18 (in Porto and Viana do Castelo) and 28 (in Faro).
According to IPMA calculations, the fire danger will remain high in some districts at least until Tuesday.
This risk, determined by IPMA, has five levels, ranging from reduced to maximum. The calculations are based on air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and the amount of precipitation in the last 24 hours.