Agreement in sight at Loures and Vila Franca hospitals, strike continues at Amadora-Sintra

Agreement in sight at Loures and Vila Franca hospitals, strike continues at Amadora-Sintra

Workers at Beatriz Ângelo (Loures) and Vila Franca de Xira hospitals have demobilized from the strike planned for today because the units have committed to adhere to the collective bargaining agreement, but at Amadora-Sintra the stoppage remains.

Speaking to Lusa, Bruno Cristo, from the Federation of Public Administration Unions and Entities with Public Purposes (FESAP), explained that, in the case of the hospitals of Vila Franca de Xira and Beatriz Ângelo (Loures) the situation is “in the process of being resolved”, and the signing of an agreement in the case of the latter is already scheduled for 08.

He added that meetings are also scheduled for next week with the Vila Franca hospital to proceed with the adherence to the collective labor agreements concluded about five years ago.

“Although the situations in the hospitals of Vila Franca and Loures are on the way to resolution, in Amadora-Sintra remains unresolved,” he explained, adding that, in theory, as the pre-notice covered the three hospital units, the union did not call off the strike, but, in practice, there was a demobilization of workers in those two cases with the approach of positions.

Bruno Cristo also said that, since the notice covered all three hospitals, the union did not call off the strike, but informed workers at the Loures and Vila Franca hospitals that both situations were practically resolved.

However, in a statement released today, FESAP insists that the demands of workers at Hospital Professor Doutor Fernando da Fonseca (Amadora-Sintra) “remain unanswered”, maintaining the protest action scheduled for this morning in front of that health unit.

The strike at the three hospitals had been called as a form of protest “against the situation of discrimination in which they find themselves in relation to the workers of the remaining 40 or so EPE Hospitals of the SNS”, the union explained in the note issued on Wednesday morning.

In the same information, the union pointed out the urgency of concluding agreements to adhere to the collective bargaining agreements concluded about five years ago (in force from 2018), which establish the same rights for all workers in the health sector careers, regardless of the nature of the link (public employment contract or individual employment contract).

The workers are also demanding equal pay and career conditions for all workers working in the hospitals that had public-private partnership status and the reconstitution of their careers and repositioning of their pay.


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