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Alfredo da Costa performed 95 deliveries/week in August (up 22.7% compared to 2023)

Alfredo da Costa performed 95 deliveries/week in August (up 22.7% compared to 2023)

Alfredo da Costa performed 95 deliveries/week in August (up 22.7% compared to 2023)

In a statement, the local health unit (ULS) of São José, which includes MAC (Maternidade Alfredo da Costa), reported that approximately 496 pregnant women were attended to weekly in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Emergency Service, an increase of 12% compared to August 2023 (443).

“From January 1 to August 31, 2024, MAC recorded 2,787 deliveries, which is 19.2% more than in the same period of 2023 (2,338),” the ULS of São José noted, adding that 13,447 women have been attended to since the beginning of the year, representing a 1.7% increase compared to 2023 (13,219).

According to the institution, this evolution “reveals an increase in complexity and the need for care, with increased demands on the entire team,” in addition to the increase in deliveries and attendances.

The ULS of São José recalled that “MAC has resorted to the mechanism of transferring postpartum women and newborns to hospitals in their area of residence” in situations of greater pressure. “These transfers occur in an articulated and coordinated manner with the hospitals, ensuring the safety and comfort of postpartum women and babies,” they emphasized.

Access to obstetrics and gynecology emergency services has suffered various constraints, and this past weekend it was severely limited, with 12 emergency services closed on Saturday and 17 on Sunday, especially in the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region, according to data available on the National Health Service (SNS) platform.

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