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Anti-drunk driving campaign registers 884 offenses in one week

Anti-drunk driving campaign registers 884 offenses in one week

The “Zero Rate Driving Campaign” road safety campaign recorded 884 drunk driving offenses between August 17 and 23, according to a report released today.

Carried out jointly by the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR), the Public Security Police (PSP) and the National Republican Guard (GNR), the operation inspected 48,809 vehicles (35,127 by the GNR and 13,782 by the PSP), resulting in a total of 13,691 offenses (9,273 by the GNR and 4,418 by the PSP), of which 884 were associated with alcohol (710 detected by the GNR and 174 by the PSP).

During the campaign period, 2,694 accidents were recorded, resulting in six deaths, 63 serious injuries and 903 minor injuries. Compared to the same period in 2022, there were eight fewer deaths, three fewer serious injuries, 56 fewer slight injuries and 23 fewer accidents.

According to the authorities, the six fatalities (five male) were aged between 28 and 81 and were the result of accidents in the districts of Setúbal (2), Vila Real, Braga, Viseu and Évora.

The accidents were caused by three crashes – two cars and a motorcycle – two collisions between vehicles – involving a passenger car, a goods vehicle, a lorry and an agricultural vehicle – and a collision between a motorcycle and an obstacle in the road.

The campaign, which is part of the 2023 National Enforcement Plan, also included five ANSR actions to raise awareness of the risks of drink-driving, carried out in Lisbon, Almada, Figueira da Foz, Amarante and Faro, involving 479 drivers and passengers.

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