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Applications for new support for energy efficiency in residential buildings open today

Applications for new support for energy efficiency in residential buildings open today

Beautiful view of houses in Óbidos, Portugal.

The deadline for submitting applications to the new program to support energy efficiency in residential buildings, to finance 85% of the replacement of windows and installation of photovoltaic panels, opens today.

The Minister of Environment and Climate Action, Duarte Cordeiro, announced on July 18 a new program to support energy efficiency in residential buildings, with a total allocation of 100 million euros, to finance 85% of the replacement of windows and installation of photovoltaic panels, among others.

The new Support Program for Residential + Sustainable Buildings 2023 (3C 2023) will have a total allocation of 100 million euros, and this first notice will mobilize 30 million euros, for applications to be submitted between today and 31 October.

This support will finance 85% of the replacement of windows, the installation of photovoltaic panels and natural-based insulation, among others, and only permanent housing properties will be considered eligible.

According to the call for tenders published on the Environmental Fund’s website, support may be given to the replacement of non-efficient windows with efficient windows, with an energy class equal to A+, the application or replacement of thermal insulation on roofs, walls or floors, space heating and/or cooling systems and domestic hot water (DHW) using renewable energy, with an energy class of A+ or higher, the installation of photovoltaic systems and other renewable energy production equipment for self-consumption with or without storage and also interventions aimed at water efficiency.

Each beneficiary is limited to a maximum total incentive of EUR 7,500 per single-family building or autonomous fraction, discounting the amounts supported in the second phase of the previous Support Program for More Sustainable Buildings.

In addition, applications for buildings located outside the districts of Lisbon and Porto have a 10% increase in the maximum incentive limit per intervention type.

According to the notice, if the amount supported per beneficiary in this first notice is equal to or greater than €5,000, the applicant must submit the energy certificate of the intervened property, before and after execution.

The Environmental Fund provides full information on the conditions of support at https://www.fundoambiental.pt/ficheiros/2023/aac-paes-iii-pdf.aspx.

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