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Dora Nunes Gago wins APE Travel Literature Grand Prize

Dora Nunes Gago wins APE Travel Literature Grand Prize

The book “Nomadic Words”, by Dora Nunes Gago, published by Húmus, won the Maria Ondina Braga Grand Prize for Travel Literature, the Portuguese Writers’ Association (APE) announced today.

The jury of the prize, coordinated by José Manuel Mendes, considered that “Palavras Nómadas” is a “work of varied and rich observations concerning the places where the journeys take place, with descriptions of great sensory vividness, which does not lack an intimate look at the places and the people, as well as the ability to capture what has been called ‘génie du lieu'”.

Last year’s winner of this award was José Pedro Castanheira, with “Volta aos Açores em Quinze Dias” (Tour of the Azores in Fifteen Days), while previous editions have honored authors such as Paulo Moura, Afonso Cruz, Alexandra Lucas Coelho, Rui Miguel Tovar and António Mega Ferreira.

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