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ERSE weekly average price drops 0.2% for gasoline and 0.9% for diesel

ERSE weekly average price drops 0.2% for gasoline and 0.9% for diesel

Petrol pump filling fuel nozzle in gas station. Fuel Pump, Gas Station, Gasoline. Colorful Petrol pu

The average weekly price, calculated by the Energy Services Regulatory Authority (ERSE), went down, compared to last week, by 0.2% for gasoline and 0.9% for diesel, according to a report released today.

According to the regulator, the efficient price was updated, compared to last week, “by -0.2% for gasoline and -0.9% for diesel.

This evolution took into account the “unfreezing of the updating of the value of the addition on carbon dioxide emissions of gasoline and diesel by about 34%” and “the updating of the value related to the ISP [tax on petroleum and energy products] for plain gasoline 95 and for plain diesel by 0.1% and 1.0%, respectively.

And also the “weekly variation of the international quotations for plain 95 gasoline by -3.5% and for plain diesel by -5.7%”.

ERSE also revealed, in the weekly report Fuel Prices Supervision, that for the week of May 1 to 7, the efficient price before taxes “is 0.852 euros per liter (euros/l) for plain 95 gasoline and 0.821 euros/l for plain diesel”, and after taxes, the efficient price “is 1.703 euros/l, for plain 95 gasoline, and 1.505 euros/l for plain diesel”.

In relation to the previous week, ERSE indicated that “the average of the retail prices announced on the porticos, and reported in the Balcão Único da Energia (Single Energy Desk), was 1.3 cents/l above the efficient price, of that week, in the case of plain 95 gasoline, and 2.7 cents/l, above in the case of plain diesel”.

“In percentage terms, plain 95 gasoline was advertised on the gantries 0.8% above the efficient price and plain diesel was advertised 1.7% above the efficient price,” he added.

The efficient price is a weekly average price determined by ERSE, which results from the sum of several factors: the “fuel prices in the international reference markets and the respective maritime freights, the primary logistics, including in this parcel the strategic and security reserves of the National Oil System, the extra costs with the incorporation of biofuels and the retail component plus the respective taxes.

ERSE also revealed that, with regard to prices with discounts, published by the Directorate General of Energy and Geology (DGEG), “plain 95 gasoline showed a deviation of -2.2% from the efficient price and plain diesel of -3.5%.

In absolute terms, he also said, “these estimates are -4.0 cents/l for plain 95 gasoline and -5.1 cents/l for plain diesel, below the respective efficient prices.

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