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Falésia Açoteias beach in Albufeira closed to bathing

Falésia Açoteias beach in Albufeira closed to bathing

Falésia Açoteias beach, in the municipality of Albufeira, Faro district, was banned from bathing today after water quality tests revealed microbiological values above the reference parameters, the National Maritime Authority (AMN) announced.

In a statement, the AMN explained that the water quality analyses carried out by the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) revealed “microbiological values above the reference parameters, making the water unsuitable for bathing”.

“After receiving information from the APA advising against bathing at Falésia Açoteias beach, the Regional Health Authority instructed that the red flag be raised and warnings put up at the beach access points, prohibiting bathing,” it said.

This ban will remain in place until the results of new water quality analyses indicate that the microbiological values are within the reference parameters, added the AMN.

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