Agriculture Minister Maria do Céu Antunes says the opening of the application period, which runs until May 31, is “a decisive step in the implementation of the Strategic Plan for the Common Agricultural Policy (PEPAC)”.
Applications for the Single Application for Aid (PU2023) start this Wednesday, March 1, marking a new stage in the framework of the Strategic Plan for the Common Agricultural Policy (PEPAC), which will put, between 2023 and 2027, more than 6,000 million euros at the service of national agriculture.
“Tomorrow [today] we are taking a decisive step in the implementation of the PEPAC, a challenging but indispensable path to ensure a good, transparent and effective use of EU funds”, said the Minister of Agriculture, Maria do Céu Antunes, during a visit to the Integrated Management Department of the Agricultural and Fisheries Financing Institute (IFAP), responsible for the development and management of applications.
The single application is the request for direct payment of CAP aid, which includes “production aid, insurance and also the new ecological schemes, which represent 25% of the production aid package, and environmental and climate measures.
Applications for the Single Application for Aid (PU2023) will begin this Wednesday, March 1, marking a new stage in the Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan (PEPAC) that will put, between 2023 and 2027, more than 6,000 million euros at the service of national agriculture.
“Tomorrow [today] we take a decisive step in the implementation of the PEPAC, a challenging but indispensable path to ensure a good, transparent and effective use of EU funds”, said the Minister of Agriculture, Maria do Céu Antunes, during a visit to the Integrated Management Department of the Agricultural and Fisheries Financing Institute (IFAP), responsible for the development and management of applications.
The single application is the request for direct payment of CAP aid, which includes “production aid, insurance and also the new ecological schemes, which represent 25% of the production aid package, and the environmental and climate measures.
Farmers will be able to apply for CAP 6.7 billion from March
In addition to the opening of applications, which ends on May 31, this week was also completed “a complex and participatory legislative process” with the publication of regulations establishing the rules and national standards for the implementation of PEPAC.
“This is good news for Portuguese agriculture. PEPAC is ready to enter into force. I would like to thank everyone for their commitment. First of all, the services of the Ministry, but also the federations, for their contributions and commitment to this reform, which will allow us to have a new ambition: more sustainability, more viability and a greater contribution to territorial cohesion, “said the Minister, quoted in a statement.