“There are two types of work being carried out by two different multidisciplinary teams. The first is in the realm of social intervention, consisting of psychologists, social workers, and social mediators, aimed at supporting the population in a general way,” said Mayor Joaquim Amaral.
The municipality also has “another team with other technicians on the ground, who will carry out an inventory of property damage, together with the parish presidents, in the affected territories.”
Joaquim Amaral emphasized that the loss of forests and vineyards that many people suffered “causes them great disturbance.”
“Obviously, there’s the property damage, but also the way people feel about losing these assets, which also have great sentimental value. Therefore, there’s social support for residents in general, with particular focus on those living in isolation,” added the Mayor of Nelas, in the district of Viseu.
The “most vulnerable will also receive health support related to medication for the elderly themselves, checking certain parameters such as blood pressure and blood glucose measurements, with the support of pharmacies,” he specified.
Joaquim Amaral mentioned that among the damages caused by the fire is the destruction of a primary residence, whose resident chose to stay with relatives.
“Naturally, the building will be rehabilitated to allow for the resident’s relocation. There’s no other data to report. The damages are essentially in agriculture and infrastructure. We’re talking about vineyards, olive groves, forests, as well as agricultural equipment, tractors, agricultural material vans, and what was already stored in people’s annexes,” he revealed.
According to the mayor, the losses also include animal feed, firewood, agricultural tools, and the stockpiling of food products resulting from agricultural activity.
“We’re talking about quite significant losses,” he emphasized.
The mayor also confirmed that the facilities of Sport Vale de Madeiros e Benfica, a football club, were affected by one of the fires.
“The stadium is located in a forested area, it has some damage, but fortunately nothing that can’t be repaired.”
Joaquim Amaral assured that, at the moment, “the monitoring of ignitions and fires that occurred in the territory is being carried out, the consolidation process is also already being done,” “to prevent reignitions,” although “the fires that occurred are already under control.”
The mayor was about to meet with the team of the Minister for Territorial Cohesion to discuss the support that could be given to the municipality, similar to what happened in other municipalities.
According to the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority, the fire that broke out in Senhorim, in the municipality of Nelas, on Monday, entered the resolution phase, with 26 operatives on the ground at 11:30 am, supported by 9 vehicles.
The fire that started in Folhadal, also late Monday morning, remains active, with 205 operatives in the theater of operations, supported by 57 vehicles and one aerial asset.
Seven people died and about 50 were injured in the fires that have been affecting the North and Center regions of the country since Sunday, in the districts of Aveiro, Porto, Vila Real, Braga, and Viseu, which destroyed dozens of houses and forced road and highway closures.
The Government declared a state of calamity in all municipalities affected by the fires in recent days and extended the state of alert until Thursday.