As of today, fishermen can once again fish for sardines in Portugal, with a maximum annual limit of 29,560 tons, more than 66% of the quota allocated to the Iberian Peninsula.
“Sardine fishing is reopened from 00:00 on May 2, 2024,” the government said in an order published in the Diário da República.
The sardine fishery is jointly managed by Portugal and Spain, following a multi-annual plan for the period 2021-2026.
For 2024, the fishing year foresees a catch limit of 44,450 tons, with Portugal responsible for 66.5% of these (29,560 tons).
According to the decree, signed by the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, José Manuel Fernandes, daily limits have also been set for the unloading and sale of sardines.
For vessels with an overall length of nine meters or less, the limit is 2,700 kilograms (kg) or 120 baskets, where applicable.
Vessels longer than nine meters and shorter than 16 meters have a limit of 6,750 kg or 300 baskets.
Catching, keeping on board, unloading or selling sardines is prohibited on national holidays.
The transfer to a different auction “from the one corresponding to the port of unloading” is also prohibited, as is the possibility of a vessel unloading in more than one port during each day.