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Portugal Pulse: Portugal News / Expats Community / Turorial / Listing

Pedro Adão e Silva

Pedro Adão e Silva

Minister of Culture
Period in office: 2022-03-30 until the current date

Pedro Adão e Silva


Pedro Adão e Silva was born in Lisbon in 1974.

He graduated in sociology (ISCTE-IUL) in 1997 and got a PhD in political and social science (European University Institute, Florence) in 2009.

He is assistant Professor at the ISCTE-IUL School of Sociology and Public Policy, where he also coordinated the doctoral programme in public policy (up to September).

He was Vice-President of IPPS-IUL (up to September 2021) and is a member of the board of the collaborative lab CoLABOR, where he coordinated (up to September 2021) the research line on “social protection”. At CoLABOR he was also part of the team charged with developing the “DataLabor” platform.

He is executive commissioner for the commemorations of the fiftieth anniversary of the 25 April 1974 Revolution, since June 2021.

He has coordinated the editing of several volumes analysing public policy in Portugal and several articles on this subject, particularly in the social fields, in national and international reviews. Together with Ricardo Paes Mamede he coordinated the report “State of the Nation and Public Policy – less reforms, better policies” (2019) and “State of the Nation and Public Policy – enhancing public policies” (2020).

Since 2012 he has been charged with organising the ISCTE-IUL Public Policy Forum. He is a member of the APREN general board – association for renewable energies and the National Science, Technology and Innovation Council (CNCTI). He is also a commentator and column writer in several media outlets.

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