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Gulbenkian awards grants to 25 arts students to support training abroad

Gulbenkian awards grants to 25 arts students to support training abroad

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation announced today that it has awarded 25 scholarships to students of music, visual arts, theater, dance and cinema to support their training abroad for up to one year.

This year, Arts Abroad Training Grants were awarded to 10 music students, six visual arts students, four film students, three dance students and two drama students.

“The 25 young people will be spread across different countries, namely Spain, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria and the United States,” the Foundation said in a statement.

With an investment of 903 thousand euros, the support allows to support training between three months and one year, with the possibility of being renewed, and includes a monthly fee of 1,500 euros, 1,000 euros for installation expenses, 500 euros for travel and up to five thousand euros for tuition fees.

The Foundation will support five more students this year than last.

“With a focus on the visual arts, performing arts, music and cinema, these scholarships also aim to enable the implementation of training projects, without obtaining an academic degree, which stimulate specialization, continuous training and the enhancement of professional careers”, adds the statement.

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