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Gynecology and Obstetrics at São João with new delivery rooms and app for pregnant women

Gynecology and Obstetrics at São João with new delivery rooms and app for pregnant women

The Hospital de São João, in Porto, has increased the capacity of the Gynecology and Obstetrics emergency room by around 30%, which translates into an increase of two delivery rooms and more newborn resuscitators, it was revealed today.

In addition to the five existing delivery rooms, there are now two, “all of which have been refurbished to allow permanent, individual monitoring of the pregnant woman, as well as access to personalized audiovisual aids,” said the director of the Gynecology/Obstetrics emergency service at the São João Local Health Unit (ULSSJ), Elsa Calado.

“We’ve added comfort and privacy,” she told Lusa.

Until now, once labor was confirmed, the ladies waited in a common room with the baby’s father, separated only by screens.

“Now the rooms are individualized and parents can, for example, choose the music they want to listen to or which TV channel to tune in to. The new rooms are bigger and have space for the ladies to walk,” she said.

In addition to space, this upgrade means an increase in the number of pieces of equipment available, from three resuscitators for the entire service to seven, i.e. one for each delivery room.

At issue are devices described as “state-of-the-art, essential in helping neonatologists when a baby needs medical assistance at birth”.

“These improvements for mothers and fathers are also reflected in the work of health professionals,” said Elsa Calado.

This reformulation is part of the national program launched by the Executive Directorate of the National Health Service (DE-SNS) dedicated to increasing the capacity and quality of care in the country’s delivery rooms, and ULSSJ has received 850,000 euros for this project.

The observation room that receives users with gynecological and obstetric pathology, as well as the professionals’ work areas, have also been improved, according to information sent to Lusa by a ULS source.

In this field, there is also the creation of an app, “Nascer São João”, aimed at pregnant women and new mothers.

“While waiting for their baby to be born, many expectant mothers turn to the Internet to find out more about pregnancy, so we thought it was important for women to be able to access reliable and credible information, validated by our professionals,” points out the director of the Obstetrics service, Marina Moucho, a citizen in the ULSSJ information.

The app will have informative content divided into six areas – healthy pregnancy, preparing for childbirth, childbirth, postpartum recovery, baby care and breastfeeding – i.e. content on the health and well-being of pregnant women and babies, which can range from nutrition during pregnancy and sexuality to preparing for childbirth, information on epidural analgesia and anesthesia in caesarean sections, among others.

It will also be possible to consult the Digital Pregnancy Bulletin to see records of tests and ultrasounds.

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