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Housing crisis is a “social pandemic” caused by usurious rent and easy profit, says Mariana Mortágua

Housing crisis is a “social pandemic” caused by usurious rent and easy profit, says Mariana Mortágua

Bloco leader Mariana Mortágua today called the housing crisis a “social pandemic”, whose virus is “usurious rent and easy profit” and a government that turns cities “into Disneylands”.

“It’s the worst pandemic, because in the other pandemic [covid-19], we didn’t know the virus, we didn’t have a vaccine, we didn’t know how to defend ourselves and we had to invent everything, resort to everything. We took exceptional measures and saved ourselves,” said Mariana Mortágua, during the closing session of the Socialism Forum, the BE’s political ‘rentrée’, which took place in Viseu.

According to the BE coordinator, the virus is now known: “usurious rent and easy profit” and an absolute majority that turns cities “into Disneylands and raises prices and rents so much that it impoverishes even those who used to live in some comfort”.

“Add food price inflation and you have the picture of Portugal: the salary is no longer enough to live on and the pension is no longer enough to survive on,” he lamented.

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