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In May, the government reduces ISP discounts on fuel.

In May, the government reduces ISP discounts on fuel.

Middle-aged woman sits behind the wheel of car and looks for euro in wallet to pay for parking

The current ISP discounts of 34 cents per liter for diesel and 31.6 cents per liter for gasoline will decrease to 30 cents per liter for diesel and 31.6 cents per liter for gasoline in May, and the carbon tax will be gradually updated, according to the Ministry of Finance.

In a statement, the ministry notes that the reference price of diesel and gasoline is currently lower than the price that justified the initial mitigation measures at the ISP level, and that fuel consumption in the first quarter of 2023 reached a 10-year high.

In addition, it emphasizes that fuel taxation in Portugal “is significantly below the weighted average” in the Eurozone.

“Thus, the government will gradually unfreeze the update of the addition on CO2 emissions (carbon tax),” he says, explaining that in this way he pursues environmental goals and gradually aligns the weight of fuel taxes in Portugal with the average of the eurozone.

In May, the tax burden will be reduced by 30 cents per liter of diesel and 31.6 cents per liter of gasoline, taking into account the current measures.

As part of its efforts to support the agricultural sector, the government continues to reduce the tax on agricultural diesel by 6 cents per liter.

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