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Minister of Justice moves towards dialog with parties on corruption after investiture

Minister of Justice moves towards dialog with parties on corruption after investiture

The government has decided to mandate the Minister of Justice, Rita Júdice, to talk to all parties with parliamentary seats, justice sector agents and civil society with a view to drawing up a package of measures against corruption.

The decision was announced today by the Minister for the Presidency, Leitão Amaro, at a press conference following the first meeting of the Council of Ministers of the XXIV Constitutional Government, pointing out that this process will begin immediately after the parliamentary investiture.

“We will quickly approve an ambitious, effective and consensual package of measures to combat corruption,” said the minister.

The anti-corruption package had already been announced by the Prime Minister, Luis Montenegro, in his inauguration speech.

“The aim is to have a summary of proposals, measures and initiatives within two months that can be agreed and consensualized, once their consistency, credibility and feasibility have been duly tested,” he said, arguing that “no one has a monopoly on the best solutions”.

From then on, he added, the executive will focus on approving the respective laws, “either at the proposal of the government or at the initiative of parliament”.

On April 11 and 12, the Assembly of the Republic will debate the program of the XXIV Constitutional Government, a document that will be delivered on April 10.

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