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More expensive petrol and cheaper diesel in Portugal compared to EU average

More expensive petrol and cheaper diesel in Portugal compared to EU average

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The average selling price of simple 95 gasoline in Portugal was 4.7 cents per liter higher in the second quarter than the average values in the EU-27, while simple diesel was 5.1 cents lower, according to ERSE.

According to the EU-27 fuel price bulletin, published by ERSE, for straight 95 gasoline, between April and June, national average selling prices (ASP) were higher than the EU-27 average, ranking 11th among countries with the highest prices.

Thus, including taxes, the PMV in Portugal for 95 gasoline stood at 1.673 euros per liter, higher than the 1.626 in the EU and the 1.608 recorded in Spain.

Without accounting for taxes, Portugal had a PMV 2.9 cents per liter lower than Spain.

According to ERSE, “Portugal had the highest tax burden (51%) in the Iberian Peninsula, which is why the Portuguese PMV was around 6.5 cent/l higher than in Spain”. The weight of taxes represented 47% of the PMV in Spain and 50% of the PMV in the EU-27.

In the EU, the duty-free PMV of gasoline “did not change significantly” between the first two quarters of the year.

As for straight diesel, “the national PMV was below the EU-27 average values, giving Portugal the 12th lowest prices”, the energy regulator noted.

In the second quarter, the PMV of diesel in Portugal was €1.463 per liter, lower than the EU’s €1.514 but higher than the €1.455 recorded in Spain.

“The tax burden in Portugal (46%) was higher than in Spain (43%), leading to the PMV practiced in Portugal being 0.8 cent/l higher than in Spain,” ERSE said, adding that, “without taxes, the national average price is 3.4 cent/l lower than in the neighboring country”.

In the EU as a whole, when excluding the weight of taxes, Portugal ranks 11th among the countries with the cheapest diesel.

Also in the EU as a whole, the duty-free PMV of diesel decreased by 13.4 cents per liter from the first to the second quarter of 2023.

Finally, for liquefied petroleum gas for cars (LPG Auto), national PMVs (EUR 0.792 per liter) were lower than those in Spain (EUR 0.952 per liter) and higher than those in the EU (EUR 0.772 per liter).

In this product, the tax burden represents 40% of the final price in Portugal, 32% in the EU-27 and 21% in Spain.

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