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New executive wants to “maintain the state’s majority position” in Lusa

New executive wants to “maintain the state’s majority position” in Lusa

The Program of the XXIV Constitutional Government foresees the maintenance of the majority position of the State in the Lusa agency, as well as “resolving the impasse in its shareholder structure”.

In the document delivered today to the Assembly of the Republic, the government program led by Luís Montenegro says it intends to “maintain the state’s majority position in Agência Lusa, contributing to a public information service of rigor, seriousness and quality”.

The executive also intends to “clarify the situation of the Lusa agency and resolve the impasse in its shareholder structure in a balanced, impartial manner, involving all players in the sector”.

Lusa is 50.15% controlled by the Portuguese state, with Global Media holding 23.36% and Páginas Civilizadas 22.35%.

The previous government, led by António Costa, intended to go ahead with the purchase of these stakes in Global Media and Páginas Civilizadas, but the deal ended up failing.

“At the present time, since there is no broad political consensus, the operation has proved unfeasible,” said the Ministry of Culture, which was in charge at the time, in a statement issued at the end of November.

In the text, the Ministry of Culture stated that it would be up to “the next government to assume its responsibilities and find a solution that guarantees the healthy pluralism, independence and safeguarding of the public service provided by Lusa – essential for the media as a whole”.

The Government Program of the Democratic Alliance (AD) was approved today, on the eve of two days of debate in parliament, on Thursday and Friday.

The Minister for the Presidency, António Leitão Amaro, said that the document is based on AD’s electoral program, but incorporates more than 60 measures that coincide with those of other parties.

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