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PCP has “no illusions” about government program measures that will “exacerbate problems”

PCP has “no illusions” about government program measures that will “exacerbate problems”

The secretary-general of the PCP said today that he has “no illusions” about the measures contained in the government’s program, arguing that the policy of the new PSD/CDS-PP executive will make problems worse.

“You only have to read the program of the Democratic Alliance [PSD, CDS-PP and PPM coalition] to see what’s coming. The policy that the government wants to pursue, which is supported by both Chega and IL, won’t solve any of the problems, but on the contrary will aggravate and accentuate them,” said Paulo Raimundo.

The communist leader was speaking to journalists on the sidelines of a demonstration by EDP workers, near the company’s headquarters in Lisbon, and was asked about the Government Program delivered today.

Despite not having read it yet, Paulo Raimundo rejected “illusions” about its content, stressing that the party still intends to move a motion to reject the document.

“We have no doubt, we have no illusions, regardless of the creative way in which this or that word may be written, this or that proposal, this or that specific measure,” he said.

Paulo Raimundo spoke out against the fact that a shareholders’ meeting was being held at EDP with the aim of “distributing 815 million euros, the result of 1.3 billion euros in profits”, with workers being offered 3% increases.

“This is an affront to the workers who guarantee the operation of this company. And this is an example of what is happening in our country, in most large companies, so we couldn’t be anywhere else but here today,” he said.

The communist general secretary spoke out against the “brutal injustice and inequality” in the country.

Around half a thousand EDP workers marched today from Lisbon’s Praça do Comércio to the company’s headquarters in a noisy demonstration in defense of better wages.

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