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Porto hotel and real estate company buys Golden Gate Building for 7 million

Porto hotel and real estate company buys Golden Gate Building for 7 million

The Council of the Government meeting in plenary on January 26, 2023 decided to authorize the sale by direct settlement of the building called the Golden Gate Building.

The sale will take place through the Regional Directorate of Heritage.

The Executive authorised the conclusion of the respective sale and purchase contract with the company VERSINTEMPORAL, Lda. for the overall value of € 7,060,175.00 (seven million sixty thousand and one hundred and seventy-five euros).

The Regional Secretary of Finance was mandated to, in representation of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, sign the respective contract.

The sale by direct negotiation was adopted because the public auction market was deserted in previous attempts to sell.

Versimtemporal is, in the words of the resolution “an important business group dedicated to the development of real estate projects in the tourism sector in Portugal.

Versintemporal – Lda” is a company based in Porto. The share capital is €1000.00. It develops its main activity within the scope of Hotels.

The company’s main activity is the operation and management of hotel establishments, real estate promotion (development of building projects), accounting and tax activities, tax consulting, real estate rental, purchase and sale of real estate and resale of those acquired for this purpose.

“The sale of fraction “A” will allow the exploitation of that space by private entities, boosting the local economy and bringing new economic operators and employers to the Region, as well as allowing an increase in revenue for the Region’s coffers,” explains the resolution.


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