More than 40 cases of hepatitis A have been reported since the beginning of the year in Portugal, mostly in

The coordinator of the BE, Mariana Mortágua, today called for sanctions in the case of the twins treated at Santa

The secretary-general of the Independent Doctors’ Union, Nuno Rodrigues, hopes that the new government will restore the 15% salary increase

Chega will go ahead with a request to set up a parliamentary commission of inquiry into the case of the
Former Secretary of State António Lacerda Sales criticizes the General Health Inspectorate for having given less value to his word
Primary health care nurses have reported constraints in the distribution of vaccines that are part of the National Vaccination Plan
The General Inspection of Health Activities (IGAS) has concluded that access to the neuropediatric consultation of the Portuguese-Brazilian twins treated
The president of the Portuguese Medical Association (Ordem dos Médicos) considered today that the proposal of the commission that estimated
Researchers from the Institute of Public Health at the University of Porto (ISPUP) have concluded that 70% of acute stroke
The Health Regulatory Authority (ERS) has received 674 complaints about the SNS 24 Line in more than eight years, 58%