Landlords with rents dating back to 1990 will be able to apply to the IHRU (Institute of Housing and Urban
The government has decided to extend the deadline, which was due to expire this Thursday, until December 13th. Local accommodation
The Association of Real Estate Developers and Investors (APII) demands “clarification” on the end of the tax regime for non-habitual
The conflict in the housing protests could continue to grow, because there are more and more people who can’t even
House prices fell by 1.7% in the second quarter in the eurozone and by 1.1% in the European Union (EU)
The PAN in the Lisbon Municipal Assembly today proposed the temporary suspension of the sale of real estate to non-residents
The Minister of Housing said today that the government will “consider” and “evaluate” the proposals presented by the various entities
Municipalities do not currently have financial problems in building housing, but they do have difficulties in executing and meeting deadlines,
This week, the government approved a law extending access to support for loan interest and stabilizing the value of installments,
The Minister of Housing, Marina Gonçalves, explained today that the new measures for families with housing loans include extending existing