In 2022, Portugal recorded the fourth highest rate in the European Union (17.5%) of people who were unable to heat

Bloco leader Mariana Mortágua today called the housing crisis a “social pandemic”, whose virus is “usurious rent and easy profit”

The Minister of Education said he is working on measures to solve the teacher shortage, such as affordable housing for

A total of 12,438 young people were supported by the Porta 65 program, an increase of 19%, following the call
The European Commission will analyze the government’s letter, but says there are several examples of European affordable housing initiatives. Brussels
Higher education students’ associations today called for a solution to the “scourge of the lack of affordable housing” for displaced
The value of rents could increase by 6.94% in 2024 if the government does not establish, as it did this
The ‘collaborative and community housing’ residential response already has 22 approved projects, in an investment of 22 million euros that
The Food and Economic Safety Authority (ASAE) has suspended the activity of 10 local lodgings for lack of safety and
The average price of rooms and apartments for students has risen by 10.5% in the last year, exceeding 400 euros