Marisa is 38 and Joana is 30. Both want to leave their parents’ house, but don’t see how. The two

Data from the 2021 census show that in that year there were more than 700,000 vacant dwellings in Portugal. But

Imobiliária Agency will open four offices in Portugal and has already hired 30 people. The company expects to invoice between

The revenue generated through the Municipal Transfer Tax (IMT) recorded in 2022 the highest value ever, reaching 1,698 million euros,
The interest rate on new mortgages went from 0.83% to 3.24% in just one year. Today, the cost of buying
There’s a proposal by Mariana Mortágua that has created a stir – so much so that the Left Bloc itself
The Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira (Tax and Customs Authority) will evaluate and update the matrices of the dams and move
During the 12 months ending September 2022, the median value of family housing sold in Portugal was 1,446 euros per
Luxury real estate is living in dynamic times. And there are more and more nationalities interested in investing in Portugal.
What to expect from the year for the sector? Will more houses come to the market? Will they be enough?