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Portugal Pulse: Portugal News / Expats Community / Turorial / Listing

Diário de Notícias(DN) is a Portuguese daily newspaper based in Lisbon. In its long history, which began during the Regeneration period, Diário de Notícias has reported on the fall of the Monarchy and the establishment of the Republic, the Great War, the military coup of May 28, 1926 and the advent of the Estado Novo, the Second World War, the Revolution of April 25, 1974 and the troubled democratic transition, and Portugal’s accession to the European Economic Community and the European Union. Having known three different centuries, the newspaper has followed, in its various phases, very diverse editorial policies and management, and has known several owners, including public and private companies.

It is currently owned by Global Media Group. In September 2020, Global Media Group reached an agreement with the BEL Group, owned by entrepreneur Marco Galinha, to become a shareholder of the company. Grupo Bel was founded in 2001 by Marco Galinha and has activities in several sectors, including the vending machine sector and the aeronautics sector, and entered the media in 2018, through Jornal Económico. The businessman, born in Rio Maior, is executive chairman and chairman of the board of directors of Grupo BEL, which he founded in 2001. In February 2021, Marco Galinha was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Global Media Group.

The management of Diário de Notícias is composed of Rosália Amorim (director), Leonídio Ferreira (deputy director) and Joana Petiz (deputy director).

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