Portuguese Sephardic Jews law for Portuguese citizenship will end?

Portuguese Sephardic Jews law for Portuguese citizenship will end?

Communiqué of the Council of Ministers of April 6, 2023

1. The Council of Ministers today approved the creation of the Portuguese Agency for Minorities, Migration and Asylum (APMMA), which will replace the Aliens and Borders Service (SEF) and the High Commission for Migration (ACM) in the area of reception and integration.

By integrating the competencies transferred from the ACM, APMMA initiates a paradigm shift in the management of migration and asylum in Portugal. As a host country, APMMA now ensures that international protection – asylum and subsidiary protection – temporary protection, integration and reception are managed by a single entity.

This merger allows for an appropriate response to challenges such as the fight against human trafficking and labor exploitation, as well as opportunities such as labor market integration, family reunification and learning Portuguese.

Thus, in situations of migratory pressure or humanitarian crisis, Portugal will be ready to respond to these challenges in a more coordinated and immediate manner, while safeguarding the fundamental rights of migrants and refugees.

2. The Decree-Law establishing the transitional regime for employees of the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) following the merger process was approved. It aims to guarantee the rights of SEF employees, ensuring career transitions and salary repositioning.

3. The draft law to be submitted to Parliament transposing Directive (EU) 2021/1883 on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of highly qualified employment, defining the conditions for obtaining and maintaining the “European Blue Card”, was approved.

4. The draft law to be submitted to Parliament establishing the Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination (CICDR) as an independent administrative body with authoritative powers, which will operate within Parliament, has been approved. This proposal guarantees and strengthens the independence of the CICDR, which is essential in the fight against racism and racial discrimination.

5. The draft law to be submitted to Parliament to amend the Law on Nationality was approved. Among the proposed changes is an end date for the regime allowing descendants of Portuguese Sephardic Jews to apply for Portuguese nationality.

6. The Decree-Law that establishes the end of the mandatory use of masks and visors in health facilities and services, as well as in residential facilities, shelters or home support services for vulnerable populations, elderly or disabled people, and in units of the National Network for Integrated Continued Care, was approved.

7. Approved the Resolution establishing the Action Plan for Priority Pathways of Unintentional Introduction of Invasive Alien Species in Mainland Portugal, with the aim of preventing their introduction and spread, creating a Monitoring Committee and, in particular, establishing the Program of Management Measures and Action Planning.

Read Also: https://www.portugalpulse.com/dciap-focuses-investigations-on-naturalization-of-descendants-of-sephardic-jews/

Portuguese citizenship sephardic Law No. 1/2013 DL n. 30-A/2015


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