That publication amends the Council of Ministers Resolution from December 2023, updating the value of the cooperation agreement between the Central Administration of the Health System and the Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto, which manages that hospital unit, from 34,856,361.89 euros (divided between 2023 and 2024) to 65,294,107.89, VAT exempt, to be distributed until 2025.
These new values, established by the Council of Ministers in May, include the creation of the Clinical Care Center, which began operations on Monday, under the Emergency and Transformation Plan in Health, which “constitutes a conjunctural and strategic piece for structural change in health in Portugal, in a gradual reform to strengthen the National Health Service and the integrated and efficient response of the entire Portuguese health system.”
“Among the measures envisaged there, the one that aims to create clinical care centers (CAC) for acute situations of lesser complexity and clinical urgency stands out, with the objective of providing alternative care for non-urgent or low-urgency patients, starting with a pilot in Lisbon and Porto,” it reads.
The CAC at Hospital da Prelada, the publication states, will ensure “the provision of care to patients triaged in the emergency departments of the São João Local Health Unit, E.P.E., and the Santo António Local Health Unit, E.P.E., as non-urgent or low-urgency.”
The creation of this new service at Hospital da Prelada took “into account the conditions of that Hospital, both in terms of human resources and technical means,” considering that “the conditions are met for the conclusion of an addendum to the cooperation agreement in force for the provision of care necessary to respond to patients with acute situations of lesser complexity or clinical urgency.”
Given that “in 2023 no expense was incurred, with the balance from that year carried over to 2024,” the decree published today establishes for the year 2024 the amount of 36,723,861.89 euros and 28,570,246.00 euros for 2025.