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Strike leads to the cancellation of more than half of the trains scheduled until 07:00 – CP

Strike leads to the cancellation of more than half of the trains scheduled until 07:00 – CP

The strike by Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP) workers led today to the suppression of 82 trains out of 148 scheduled (55.4%) by CP, between 00:00 and 07:00, according to data from the carrier.

Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP) workers are holding their second and final day of strike action today, and minimum services have been decreed.

On Lisbon’s urban routes, 39 of the 63 planned were cancelled, and on the long-haul routes, six were scheduled and four were cancelled.

In a note sent to Lusa on the impact of this strike on CP, the company states that of the 148 scheduled trains, 66 took place.

On Tuesday, the first day of the strike, 798 trains were cancelled, out of an estimated 1,086, and only the minimum services between 00:00 and 19:00 were complied with, according to CP.

The president of Aprofer – Trade Union Association of Railway Command and Control Professionals, Adriano Filipe, told Lusa on Tuesday that the strike, which covers IP’s operation, command, control, information, traffic management and railway conservation workers, is related to the working conditions and salaries of the profession.

“The reasons for this strike are the same” as the strike that had been called for September 2022, he recalled, pointing out that IP had promised to negotiate an agreement, but this has not happened since.

On the days of the strike, minimum services are guaranteed, with the Alfa Pendular and Intercidades, Regional, InterRegional and International trains, Comboios Urbanos do Porto, Comboios Urbanos de Coimbra and Comboios Urbanos de Lisboa scheduled to run.

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