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The ‘luxurious’ house arrests of Armando Pereira and Hernâni Vaz Antunes

The ‘luxurious’ house arrests of Armando Pereira and Hernâni Vaz Antunes

The main defendants of Operation Picoas will await trial under house arrest. So far, the GNR does not know how surveillance will be carried out on Armando Pereira and Hernâni Vaz Antunes.

The largest mansion in the north of the country

In the case of Armando Pereira, founder of Altice, house arrest will be served in a house on a 15-hectare plot of land with a sports pavilion, swimming pool, tennis court, mini-golf and heliport.

It is considered the largest mansion in the north of the country.

“I don’t know if it has 15 hectares, but if it does you can certainly move around in it,” explained lawyer Manuel Magalhães e Silva.

In the case of Hernâni Vaz Antunes, the conditions of the house where he will be awaiting trial seem similar to those of Armando Pereira.The two main defendants in Operation Picoas are also prohibited from contacting each other and all persons and companies mentioned in the court order.

The case investigates alleged contract tainting involving the Altice group that is said to have harmed group companies and competitors. The scheme is said to have harmed the state by €100 million.

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