Former presidential candidate Tiago Mayan Gonçalves said today that when there are elections in IL, he will be ready to head a leadership bid, presenting a manifesto to refound the party together with two hundred liberals.
At a hotel in Lisbon, Tiago Mayan Gonçalves presented a manifesto “of courage, innovation and freedom” under the slogan “Unidos pelo liberalismo” (United for liberalism), whose first promise is to “refound the party on liberal values and principles” and “present a strong and charismatic leadership, truly liberal”.
“If I’m here before you, it’s because I’ll be ready to take on all the consequences of what’s been expressed here. (…) When I’m in the electoral period, I’ll be ready, if necessary and if I have the team to do it, I’ll be ready to lead a candidacy for leadership,” he replied, to the insistence of journalists.
The former presidential candidate said that “this movement of IL members will be ready to present an alternative to the party leadership” and will do so when the time comes.