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Traffic on the Cascais line was restored in the early evening, but with limitations

Traffic on the Cascais line was restored in the early evening, but with limitations

Train traffic between the Cais do Sodré and Algés stations on the Cascais line was re-established early this evening, but with limitations, after having been cut off due to a fire, CP said.

“Train traffic has resumed, but with limitations. We still haven’t managed to guarantee the movement of all the trains,” a CP source told Lusa at 19:45.

The same source also said that “the problem has been identified”, but “it’s not 100% resolved”, with more information to come on Wednesday.

For its part, Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP) indicated in a post on its Facebook page that “the damage that occurred was identified” and the maintenance teams “implemented a solution that allowed rail traffic to be re-established, albeit with limitations” between the Cais do Sodré (Lisbon) and Algés (Oeiras) stations, but there is still no prediction as to when the situation will be fully resolved.

“In view of the extent of the damage, rail traffic on the Cascais Line, and particularly on this section, will be limited, and it is not yet possible to give a date for rail traffic to be restored to normal,” the company said.

Train traffic on the Cascais Line has been suspended since 08:10 between Cais do Sodré and Algés stations due to a fault in an electrical substation.

In a note posted on the social network Facebook, the Lisbon Sappers Fire Brigade revealed that it had received an alert at 08:08 for “a lot of smoke at the Cais do Sodré substation, with immediate disconnection of the lines between Cais do Sodré and Alcântara”, and that the fire was extinguished at 08:53.

Around 500 people had to be taken off two trains, one in the Lisbon-Algés direction and the other in the Algés-Lisbon direction.

According to the Sapadores, around 30 passengers were also removed from a train that had to stop in front of the old FIL, in the Algés-Lisbon direction.

There were 32 operatives at the scene, with the support of nine vehicles.

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