The Mondim de Basto City Hall will rehabilitate an unfinished building to build 18 affordable rental housing units, in an investment of 3.1 million euros, it was announced today.
“This strategic investment in affordable housing will strengthen the supply of housing in the municipality, as well as resolve an urban situation that had been dragging on for several years, in the center of the town of Mondim de Basto, fulfilling the commitment made with all mondinenses,” said, quoted in a statement, the mayor, Bruno Ferreira.
The planned investment is 3.1 million euros, an amount that, according to the municipality, ensures the acquisition and rehabilitation of the property known locally as”Hotel das Rãs”, which was acquired by the municipality.
Under this project 18 houses will be built to meet the housing situation in the form of affordable rentals, as part of the Local Housing Strategy of Mondim de Basto.
The project, according to the city council, “besides promoting the social and territorial inclusion of people and families will also solve an old aesthetic problem”.
This is an unfinished building from the 80’s of last century, located in the center of the county seat town.
The intervention will be made under an application submitted by the municipality to the 1.º Direito (Support Program for Access to Housing) program, contracted with the Institute of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation (IHRU).