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University of Porto highlights that it has six courses in the top 10 with the highest score

University of Porto highlights that it has six courses in the top 10 with the highest score

The Rectory of the University of Porto (UPorto) highlighted today that six of the 10 courses with the highest marks for entry into Higher Education this year are from the institution.

The Medicine courses at ICBAS (186.8 points), Industrial Engineering and Management (185.5), Architecture (184.5), Bioengineering (184.5), Medicine at FMUP (183.5) and Languages and International Relations (182.8) make up 60% of the national top 10 for access to higher education this year, UPorto said in a statement.

These figures can be found in the ranking table of the National Competition for Access to Higher Education, made available by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education.

The University of Porto has an entrance average of 165.5.

There are a total of 56 bachelor’s degrees and integrated master’s degrees at this institution.

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